Michael Prichard, Founder & CTO, WillowTree Apps

Date: April 11
Time: 2:30 pm
Price: Free
Location: The Haven
Partner Website: Click Here

Event Partner

Michael Prichard is the Founder and CTO of WillowTree Apps. At WillowTree, Michael leads the company’s technology strategy and works closely with enterprise and consumer-facing clients to develop strategic mobile solutions. Michael is widely considered a visionary in the mobile industry and has been a frequent speaker on mobile strategy, deployment, and software architecture.

Prior to founding WillowTree Apps, Michael built and grew an e-mail archiving software business that he later sold. He also has extensive experience as a development consultant for many large companies including IBM, State Street, and Adobe.

Michael has a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Central Florida.

Michael will be speaking at Scaling Talent from a Small Town.


  • Panel: Scaling Talent from a Small Town