TOM TALKS: Adam Hastings, Director CATEC

Date: April 12
Time: 4:00 pm
Price: FREE
Location: The Haven
Partner Website: Click Here

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Education for the Future: High School is not Enough

High school is no longer the finish line. In the 1950s and 60s college was not necessary for a job or a career that would support a family. Today, however, the vast majority of those who do not go beyond high school are doomed to a life of low skill-low wage jobs and they will always be in danger of being the first to be laid off during difficult economic times.

This is a joint presentation with the Charlottesville- Albemarle Technical Education Center (CATEC) and Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) that explores the role of the American Community College in preparing the country’s workforce for middle class aspirations, with a special examination of an innovative approach that has been proposed in the Charlottesville community that fosters collaboration and a consistent trajectory from high schools to community colleges to leading universities such as U.Va.


Adam Hastings is the Director of the Charlottesville Albemarle Technical Education Center (CATEC).  As Director, he provides leadership and management for the center that serves high school and adult students from Charlottesville, Albemarle, and the surrounding region.  Prior to beginning his current role three years ago, Dr. Hastings served as a school administrator in Charlottesville City Public Schools and as a teacher in Albemarle County Public Schools. 

Dr. Hastings has a doctorate in educational administration and supervision from the University of Virginia, and master’s degree in teaching from the University of North Carolina and Chapel Hill, and a bachelor’s degree in world literature from North Carolina State University.  While at the Curry School of Education, Dr. Hastings studied leadership, policy, and implementation of online learning programs within the Commonwealth and throughout the United States.


  • Tom Talks - Local Innovators, Global Impacts