Performance: Dance Score For Downtown

Date: April 12
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Price: FREE
Location: Downtown Transit Center
Partner Website: Click Here

Event Partners

Event Starts At Downtown Transit Center and moves down the mall

A Dance Score for the Downtown Mall inspired by the work of Lawrence and Anna Halprin.

Join us as we explore the intricate design and leisurely flow of Charlottesville’s living room, the Downtown Mall, through the medium of dance.

Watch as the Charlottesville dance community comes together to highlight the lesser know connection to dance and choreography that the design of the Downtown Mall draws from.

The idea of the project was inspired by the work of Lawrence and Anna Halprin. Lawrence Halprin, who designed our very own Downtown Mall, was an influential American landscape architect, designer, teacher and most notably Anna Halprin’s life long collaborator.  As one of the first to use improvised dance scores, Anna Halprin had a profound affect on the trajectory of modern dance. Dance scores are essentially a set of instructions that tells participants what to do, but provides space for decisions to be made about how.  Together Lawrence and Anna explored the intersection of movement and architectural design, most specifically in public space, and so will we.

A free publication of dance scores for the Downtown Mall will be published through the support of  the Office of the Provost & the Vice Provost for the Arts. Comprised of 6 different sets of instructions or dance scores, the publication will guide readers to navigate the architecture of the Mall in new and unexpected ways and will be available at Telegraph Gallery.

On Saturday, April 12th from 4-6pm members of the Charlottesville dance community will present renditions of the dance scores for the Downtown Mall. You can join us at any time to view our experiences with the space. Each group will offer a different perspective and reveal the many facets and talents of the Charlottesville dance community.

This project was conceived and organized in 2013 by local dancers, choreographers, and teachers Katie Schetlick co-director of theMovement Party and lecturer in Dance at Uva, and Veronica Hart director of concorDance contemporary.