Pure Junk

Date: April 12
Time: 9:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Price: Free
Location: The Haven
Partner Website: Click Here

After Double Dagger, singer Nolen Strals wanted to shift gears and pursue the type of music that got him into DIY music in the first place: the extremely short, fast, and confrontational kind. Pure Junk is the result. The band is made of 1 horror movie director, 2 professional illustrators, and 1 graphic designer from Baltimore who play short bursts of punk rock. People in leather jackets say it reminds them of Agent Orange or Black Flag or The Circle Jerks, but anyone who's seen the band can tell you they aren't stuck in the past either. Their upcoming 7-inch surprisingly shows that the mostly-under-2-minutes songs are catchy under all the sturm und drang.