Artist in Residence FRANK BUFFALO HYDE


---- Sponsored by the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection -----

Tom Tom is exceptionally pleased to be hosting Frank Buffalo Hyde as our Artist in Residence for 2013. Frank Buffalo Hyde is a Native American artist whose work negotiates the contemporary image of ‘the Indian’ as a stereotype, often using images of buffaloes or playing off the common use of buffaloes in pop culture. Frank's work is exhibited internationally in many notable collections.

Frank has a local tie, having participated in a collaborative mural with Reko Rennie at the Bridge PAI. His story is also compelling, as an artist whose father was exposed to agent orange in Vietnam, he developed the identity of a ‘natural born veteran’ because he was born without a part of his arm and leg. Frank's residency in Charlottesville is an opportunity to hear his story, learn more about his artistic process, and take part in workshops and public painting sessions.

Thursday, April 11 - WELCOME to TTFF

5:00pm - FLASH SEMINAR at UVA - Co-sponsored by American Indian Student Union

Friday, April 12

12:00 - McGuffey - Stearns Classroom - Live painting and paper show

Saturday, April 13

9-11am - Join Urban Sketching @ Tom Yum

12:00pm - Lee Park - Public Painting

Sunday, April 14

1:30pm Presentation at the Bridge PAI to TTFF Public Art Bike Tour



April 11: 5:00 pm

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